Driving Efficiency Amidst Uncertainty:
Wells Fargo's Journey to Automate
Sensitive Data Handling During the Pandemic

As the pandemic hit, Wells Fargo had to quickly adapt to new challenges in how they managed data, especially with the shift to remote work and increasing security demands.

They needed to find new ways to protect sensitive information while also keeping up with the changes in how teams were working.

Partnering with Tableau

Our team worked closely with product developers at Tableau to completely redesign Wells Fargo's data analytics process. Using the latest technology and a deep understanding of the industry, we built custom tools to automate and simplify data handling, reducing the need for manual input.

The Results

The changes we implemented led to a major transformation in how Wells Fargo manages data. The new automated system cut down the number of manual steps by 95%, and, as a result, errors were completely eliminated. This not only improved data accuracy but also made the entire process much more efficient and resilient.

This case highlights the impact of strategic innovation. By embracing automation, Wells Fargo was able to protect its data during a time of unprecedented challenges while also preparing its infrastructure for the future. The improvements weren’t just less expensive in terms of operational effort—they set the company up to handle the ongoing demands of a digital-first world.

Contact us to get started today.